Residential Schools
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10) HHI is committed to a godly approach to a child’s development. We partner with several schools to not only provide quality education and medical care but also give loving spiritual training as well. For those families living in rural and remote areas, a residential school for their children is the best option. The largest of these is a school for more than 1,200 students, with about 120 being sponsored by HHI.
Give NowBridging Schools
“Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40) Truly, children living in the slum villages of Southeast Asia could be considered as one of “the least of them.” Even in the best-case scenario, these little ones would be able to attend school only sporadically. Most often the children in these areas are needed to work each day to financially help support the family. As a result, they are nowhere near the academic level of their peers. To accommodate the specific needs of these families, HHI has established bridging schools within the slum villages. Teachers travel 6 days a week to reach these children and provide a half-day of basic education as well as 2 nutritious meals. In doing so, the hope of a better future income is within their grasp.
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Living on the streets and stealing food to survive are the daily realities of children who grow up without parents. Most likely they will fail in their adult relationships, have run-ins with the law and are at a much higher risk for human trafficking. HHI sponsored orphanages exist to rescue these very children. Each orphanage is set up like a home so that they will come to know what it’s like to have a family and to feel loved and secure.
Give NowSchool Supplies
For most parents, back-to-school shopping is one of the most wonderful times of the year. This is not the case in under-developed countries. School supplies are a luxury that only a few can afford. HHI seeks to provide these resources because we know education is key to overcoming generational poverty as well as oppression.
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